One of the most important choices you will make in the process of getting a prenup is whether you will start the process with mediation in order to help you and your future spouse define the terms of the prenuptial agreement together with the help of a neutral facilitator.

Category Mediating Prenups

Why Prenups May Be Bad For Your Marital Health

In my law practice, I get a steady stream of potential clients wanting prenuptial agreements.  These potential clients read about them in the media and are being told that they are crucial for someone about to be married.

10 Secrets of Reviewing Counsel

Being a reviewing lawyer for a party in a mediation requires many skills. Surprisingly, only one of them is a knowledge of the law. This article summarizes my reflections on the skills involved in reviewing mediated agreements, and how there… Continue Reading →

Underwood Family Values – A Template for a Marriage

I’m a late adopter. While the Netflix-produced political drama “House of Cards” premiered back in February of 2013, and four seasons (totaling 52 episodes) have already aired, with a fifth season in the works, I only started viewing very recently…. Continue Reading →

Tiger Woods – Throw that Prenuptial Agreement Away! How a Prenuptial Agreement can Destroy a Marriage

I’ve been hearing the sorry tale of Tiger Woods’ alleged deficits as a faithful husband to his beautiful Swedish wife, Elin Nordegren. It is just a more publicized and extreme version of what I see in my law practice where… Continue Reading →

7 Phrases Every Healthy Couple Should Feel Comfortable Saying

Words matter. Back in the late 1960s, a Canadian philosopher named Marshall McLuan coined an expression, “the medium is the message,” that struck a chord. The phrase went around the world. In a marriage or committed relationship, words are the medium. Words (and… Continue Reading →

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