by Laurie Israel Recently I’ve been pondering a certain aspect of my experience with mediating divorces. It’s about something that often comes up in my encounters with my mediation clients. What I’m referring to is something I call “bearing witness.”… Continue Reading →
There have been many articles on The Huffington Post and elsewhere touting the benefits of prenuptial agreements, such as, “Why Engaged Couples Should Sign a Prenup.”
Mediation is often the preferred way of getting a prenuptial agreement done. Parties to most mediated prenups also have attorneys in the wings, advising them along the way, and reviewing and possibly making changes (hopefully improvements) on the final draft agreement. We call these reviewing attorneys, and they have a very important function.
It is important to find a prenup lawyer or mediator who shares a similar personal outlook and values as you and your future spouse. I have questions to ask professionals in order for you to help qualify them and pinpoint a good match.
A significant part of my law practice is a steady stream of prenuptial agreements for clients who are embarking on marriage. Generally (but not always), I represent the less-moneyed spouse.
In the first part of this article, Prenups — Don’t Lawyer Up, Mediate! — Part I: “The Problem”, I discussed the dangers in doing prenups the usual way — lawyering up and making it like an adversarial business deal.
Some time ago I was researching the divorce and inheritance laws of a particular state when I ran across an article entitled “Getting Ready for Marriage,” which dealt with premarital contracts and asset-protection planning.
A good question to ask a mediator on the telephone as a screening question might be how that mediator would address a particular issue. Give the mediator one that is likely to come up in your mediation. Such as, “I want to… Continue Reading →
Recently many articles have been appearing on the internet extolling the virtues of entering into a prenuptial or premarital agreement prior to your marriage.
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