Mediating Prenups

One of the most important choices you will make in the process of getting a prenup is whether you will start the process with mediation in order to help you and your future spouse define the terms of the prenuptial agreement together with the help of a neutral facilitator.

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Mediation – A Sound First Step to a Successful Prenup

Prenuptial agreements are not always necessary when embarking on a marriage. They usually create more problems than they solve. The parameters set forth in the agreement sometimes causes a couple to become economic adversaries during their marriage. This can result… Continue Reading →

The Art of the Term Sheet

By Laurie Israel    Have you ever had the experience when working on a matter with a client where you are sent, at the outset, a complete multi-page agreement by counsel of the other party? Then, after that, 10 (or… Continue Reading →

Learning from Every Mediation

I have been mediating for over twenty-five years. During this time, I have had many different experiences with clients, including the good and the bad. I have also had experiences that exceed good — mediation can be inspiring, almost celestial… Continue Reading →

The Choreography of Mediation

By Laurie Israel I’ve always thought of mediation as a process more akin to art than to science. Yes, there are important techniques that can be learned to create the possibility of a successful mediation. But many things just seem to… Continue Reading →

How understanding divorce can help your marriage – TED Talk by Jeannie Suk Gersen

The Benefits of Prenuptial Agreement Mediation

During prenuptial agreement mediation sessions, the mediator can elicit the views and concerns of the less-moneyed spouse in a safe environment where these concerns can be addressed. By Laurie Israel, Family Lawyer and Mediator When a couple is about to… Continue Reading →

Should marrying business owners get a prenup?

By Laurie Israel, Esq. Congratulations on finding love and deciding to marry. If you’re a business owner, you may have some questions and some worries about what happens if your marriage ends in divorce. Your business is your livelihood. You… Continue Reading →

The Gray Prenup: Should Senior Couples Get Prenups?

by Laurie Israel, Esq. Congratulations on finding love again and deciding to remarry. Seniors are remarrying in record numbers. Perhaps your divorce occurred when you were in your 50s, 60s, or even later, or your marriage may have ended with… Continue Reading →

Where Do Prenups Fit into “Gray” Marriages?

by Laurie Israel, Esq. Divorce rates for seniors are climbing, led by the Baby Boomer generation. Seniors are remarrying in record numbers. People are now using the term “gray” divorce for divorces of people in their 50s, 60s and older. Many… Continue Reading →

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